Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Language do you think in??

This thought has crossed my mind in English but I have the ability to think it in Spanish. Being bilingual I began to ask myself how language effects my cognitive thinking and more importantly how does language effect other cultures around the world. Scientist agree that the left temporal lobe of the brain is used to comprehend and translate audio strings into vocabulary formatted words in the mind ( Im sure its way for complex then just that). Or could it be that I think of pictures and smells then translate that into some type of language. The question I then asked myself is "why is it easier for kids to understand a new language? Children actually a smaller memory capacity so they end up focusing on smaller chunks. They pay more attention to the most important parts of a sentence, effectively filtering out details that might overwhelm an adult. This simpler approach might be one of the things that give kids an advantage. Adults have much harder time learning a new language because they have hard-wired neural connections in the brain and when a new language needs to be learned they have to rewire connections they have already been accustomed to using for so many years. This rewiring of language connections causes for a harder time in grassing vocabulary in a new language. I would have to say this would relate to travel in that one must be culturally sensitive and attempt to learn at least some aspect of a foreign countries language to better understand the environment they are entering.


  1. Very interesting read that has to do with our brains and how we perceive learning a new language compared to younger children.

  2. This is a very interesting topic...I'd love to hear more. My wife and I just booked our honeymoon trip to Rio for Carnival and must learn Portuguese in the next 6 months. We have both started the process, but she is already 50 words ahead of, I ask myself? She is native French speaking and is fluent in English, has this helped her learn Portuguese faster than me? I have plenty of questions about this topic and would love to hear more about what you find!

  3. Extremely interesting topic, I would love to hear more about different approaches to learning a new language.
